Monday, June 24, 2013

First time

This is my first post ever as a blogger. I have no idea what I'm doing so here we go! I'm on a mission to lose 40 lbs. it's a big goal and I'm just looking at it 5 lbs at a time, but I needed to get it out there so people could hold me accountable. My husband and I had out first child back in September of 2012. I have always had problems with keeping my weight down, but had succeeded for the most part. After we had sawyer I have been in a funk. I never feel like I have energy to do anything and I'm struggling with my laziness all day to get something done. I was 195 at the top of my pregnancy weight, but within 3 months of having him I had lost back down to pre pregnancy weight. Almost immediately I begin climbing again and now I'm back up to 185. On my 5'5" frame, that's not healthy and my knees are starting to tell on me. It's a struggle to get up and down out of the floor to play with my son, which frustrates me. So that is the back story on my reason for this goal. 140-145 is my goal range and I plan on making it by next February 2014. I will be posting as much as possible on my progress and things I'm doing to get there. I'm not just doing this for me, I'm also doing it for my husband and my son who need the energetic me back!

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